Justice denied, and being incarcerated for 23 years for a crime that you may not have even committed is a hell of a long time. But, then, in this moralistically parched country what can one expect? One can certainly expect more. Much more. Much, much more evil tidings to come out of situations gone sour and plans gone astray, and strategies fallen on the faces of the strategists.
It is claimed, and I believe rightly so, that this forsaken country is actually run by its 'intelligence agencies'. By the state of affairs we find ourselves in now and again it should come as no surprise for they are no leaders, they are connivers and mere spies who buy and sell information, they cannot be expected to wear the shoes of statesmen and become leaders. That is a joke.
Sarabjit Singh is in jail on 'accusations' of being an Indian spy involved 'allegedly' in bombings in Pakistan. In the 23 years of his being in jail at Kot Lakhpat Jail nothing has been concretely proven against him though in 1991 he was awarded the death penalty on flimsy evidence which was later retracted. Several humanitarian organizations have pleaded his case, the Indain government has on a number of occasions asked for mercy for him, his family has done the same, but our government, na, our successive Presidents, with whom the power to grant mercy lies have refused, once hours after giving it! (TALK OF INDECISIVENESS)
In Sarabjit's defence it is claimed that he was a farmer who to his bad luck walked into the Pakistani side under the influence, and was taken into custody, and later framed under the bombing charges. Of course, this explains the abscence of evidence after the lapse of two decades, but that is no matter to our mind set. Every Indian is a bomber, or a possible bomber, or might have entertainted thoughts of bombing or killing a Pakistani. This is quite interesting to note, this graphic patriotism towards our country the minute someone mentions the name India, other than that we are ready to kill each other and that's all kosher! nay its all in the name of religion, democracy, unity, and what not!!!.
When our government finds itself in a mess created by its own wonderful acts and misdoings, guess what does it do? It goes and does some more of those stupid acts, and then has the audacity to believe that people will buy it as the truth - well perhaps duds that we are we might just do that for we have been made used to lies these past six decades or so - but not the rest of the world, and not are our savy neighbors.
Not only does the government keep the poor farmer in jail for over twenty years without a proper case against him, it now tries to murder him by 'staging' an attack by the prisoners. Awww come on! we are fools and monkeys, and we haven't really evolved after the Australopithecus in Pakistan, but please give me a break!, Imagine the scenario - and I have been to Kot lakhpat jail it is very well guarded - Sarabjit Singh a high profile prisoner on death roll is out for an 'evening stroll' in the 'gardens' of Eden? we are being asked to believe?? Where were the security guards that were on duty with him, that should have been there protecting him at all times keeping in view the sensitivity of his nationality, his alleged crime, the killing earlier in Januruary of another Indian prisoner at the hands of inmates (allegedly), and the fact that he could have escaped considering the possibility of him being an actual spy of the Indian Governemnt and thus having access to that kind of assistance. Now imagine an idyllic scene, a peaceful walk in the sunset by an innocent man in a benign lawn, and lo and behold! the descent of thugs and looters armed with 'metal sheets' and 'bricks' who have enough time in a jail environ to beat Sarabjit for long enough to render him comatose and almost dead. His condition is so serious that doctors cannot perform surgery on him. Woe be to this country, and to the Islam and its muslims who treat humans with such inhumanity.
Now, let's get this straight. Mr. President, Mr, Kiyani and behind the scenes not so intelligent agencies, your game is a little too messy and obviously clumsy to be bought even by the sub-zero IQuers of Pakistan. We know that there was no evening stroll, and no thugs, and no bricks, and no prsioners who beat Sarabjit. It is the government who has tortured or has ordered him dead to be rid of the constant pain in the neck and what best way to do it than to blame it on the anger of other inmates! we are scum, but our government is shit. We take innocent people and blame them for crimes to prove ourselves worthy of something. We then not being able to bring any proof against them kill them to make a wrong right.... I feel sorry for you Sarabjit, and I apologize to you and to your family and to your nation for this atrocity and sheer cruelty!
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