The lost Nation

I'm sorry but I simply fail to understand the thinking and the agenda (if any) of the people of this country. Maybe and the chances are plenty that I am a simpleton perhaps even a retard by the Intelligence quotient standards of the average populace of the general public here and especially of the leaders, but I am totally at a loss at the moment.

When thousands came out in Tahrir Square in Cairo in the revolution commonly now known as the Arab Spring we envied the Eygptian people, their courage and their valor to stand peacefully against the dictaorship and the corruption of Hossini Mubarak, we wished and hoped for something similar to happen in this spineless country of ours, where people are thought to be too lazy to be bothered or too crushed by circumstance to be pushed to do anything about the alarming situation.

All our leaders are corrupt. From PPP's stalwarts to PML's giants, to the rag tags that have clung on to the Khan's PTI, to the Maulans that hang on to the cause of Islam to further their personal aims. We, the people, have been kept hostage for 60 plus years by the shennigans of these mavericks, they play one trick on us and then another and we get taken and duped like idiots.

There are many words that have been abused and maligned in this process and have lost their meaning in the context of governance in Pakistan's political scene, topping the list would be Democracy, Accountability, Tansparency, Free and Fair Elections, Third-Hand?, Foriegn Hand?, Other-Forces, Hidden-Forces, and so on. What does all this mean in regular sense and how it is to be understood in the Pakistani context are two very different things.

Let's take Democracy. What is democracy? is it only popular representation? or is it the kind of bought representation that we have in Pakistan? now bought is a euphemism and can be used to mean family affiliations, tribal and clan affiliations, other dependencies in the rural set-up, clout of a candidate and so on. Is an individual actually free in the true sense of the word to cast his vote as he deems fit in Pakistan or not? if the answer is in the negative then we have no democracy to begin with. And my premise would be, lack of education in Pakistan without which a person cannot make a reasonable and intelligent decision about choosing a credible leader. As democracy is all about excercing your right of choice, and that is a huge responsibilty, with it comes bigger duties and burdens. We are only interested in one part of the picture, the rosy part, the easier one, that is of having the choice and using it, we dont want to bear the burden of the responsibilty. It is often said, and rightly so that people deserve the leaders they get. And I think we have had a lovely display.

Now that a large number of our fellow citizens have gathered from all walks of life in Islamabad, to protest against a corrupt government and demand its dissolution why is it that the same people who were the biggest critics of the government are now running from pillar to post to defend it and safe gaurd democracy? why? because they feel that one more day of the stand-off might bring in the army and to use another catch phrase 'de-rail' the young and fragile democracy in the country!!!! oh for heaven's sake! What democracy are we talking about? the same one in which the Prime Minister is an accused of corruption by NAB and is to be arrested. The President is a certified criminal and a mentally unstable man, most of the large state owned organiztions are headed by men of shady characters and we are bent on saving this cabinet and this assembly? Great?

The media and the experts are screaming hoarse on TV about how the state of Pakistan is being taken up by one man and that too a dual national an a cleric. I am no supporter of Mr. Qadri, I support no leader of this land as I am a born skeptic, yet, I have the sense to put the question, isnt the MQM cheif who is currently a part of our democrartic government a British National? and hello??? fellow citizens a convicted murderer? But then that has never been a problem with open hearted people like us.

Mr.Khan has been stating the obvious, exactly what Mr. Qadri is saying and yet he refuses to join him, becuase LO and Behold the man ' believes in politics of principles' and of 'votes' and 'constituition' HELLL' and wasn't he ready to consort and talk to errrrr.... the killing machines called the TTP!!!!! atleast Qadri has the bloody balls to declare a fatwa agaisnt suicide boming if nothing else!

A man who can mobilize more than a 100 people in the cold of January against the atrocities of a crazed government, best displayed by the callous indifference towards the Quetta massacre, has all my respect. Kudos to him and to all the poeple who are there with him at this time!
