"I really do!! see and I have this great forum of facebook to brag all the wonderful details about myself that the world must know! How well I bake and cook, what lovely parties I give, yes! click click the pictures are posted of the tables laid, the food, the guests hogging and smiling and so on. Then there are my very well raised perfect kids, who are getting perfect grades in whatever subjects they are taking, in whatever grade they are in or college or whatever. People it doesn't stop here, I am so nice and likeable, my husband loves me, in fact we are the perfect couple celebrating our so and so wedding anniversary or this birthday or hell some occasion and again the lovey dovey pictures are glaring down the screen."
"My car is flashy and till I don't put every a picture of it from every angle I can't sleep, and then I am so so so well read and so so so well informed in all the varied subjects that I must comment on all bizzare posts for like pages and pages urgh!!!! Then I must tell the world I've just performed Umra or Hajj for that would make me uber likeable, and then i must tell my exact location vis a vis the GPRS lest the CIA, the ISI, the MOSSAD or RAW wants to get in touch with me by any chance."
Now looking at MY RSS feed I feel am I the only retard with an abnormal lifestyle and a self-loathing that amounts close to hatred? What's with people here? how come everyone is ready to blabber and bullshit and chant and moan and go on and on ad nauseam about trivalities of life that have no relevance and meaning for others, and then play them up into grand life altering events.... since when have birthday dinner's become points of no return? since when have self-congragtulatory actions become laudable in public... woe to people who keep blowing their own trumpet for I have had enough of them and their more than perfect lives.
Then we have the qoute givers. The people who have found wisdom and share them on daily, nay, hourly basis for the benefit of others, now tell me, does it, or has it ever helped anyone as of yet? I'd like to know, do we have the retentive power to rememeber all that we skim through on fb oh come on!
Please, spare me the diatribe, and cut the bs, for I know you like yourself a little too much, but to ask of me the same is bordering on the impossible here....
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