It's Perfectly OK To......(sometimes) things that convention, prejudice, inhibition and out-dated norms constrain us from indulging in, well, if not all the time, sometimes. I believe we as a people are a little too tight assed (pardon the expression), too concerned with what 'others' would think of us and our actions. More than pleasing ourselves we our preoccupied with doing the 'done' thing. Now my objection is - if we were concerned with morality and doing the 'right' thing it would still be commendable, but all we are bothered with is how we appear to others, whether we fit in, and how others rate us.

So its time to put your legs up, relax your shoulders, don't give a hoot about others and ....

Play at being a total bitch
Curse like there's no tomorrow
Call other people ugly
Think yourself the best
Say No when you mean Yes!
Compliment when you think it isn't deserved
Envy other people
Not be bothered about how you look
Tell men to bugger off
Be alone
Hate everyonen
Ignore people who irritate you
Be fed up with Independence celebrations
Take advantage of other people
Be rude
Not be 'officially' home for anyone at home for people.
Make your kids lie for you
Chew sweet supari that is known to cause cancer
Sweat on the face and keep wiping it with your dupatta
Wipe your nose with your sleeve
Constantly look at yourself in mirrors
Have spiky dark facial hair and feel very feminine and do nothing about it.
Be calculative and manipulate others to your advantage.
Steal someone's husband.
Litter when no one's looking and then in company wax lyrical about conserving the environment
Believe every conspiracy theory
Blame others for all your problems
leech off others
loot banks in the name of religion
Be least pushed about over 300 deaths in a factory
Support murder and announce bounty on heads like in the wild west
wear fake designer stuff
just be artificial and superficial

But then aren't we always these things anyway!!!!! just realized that
