Isn't that true for most of us? we think we have so much to say and tell and the minute we start to try and put our thoughts in words they just fizzle and seem to vaporize and somehow feel less important and meaningful. And we have no choice but to keep quite and hide them within the deep recesses of our mind and soul. Why is that so? Is it because as people we are wary of baring our feelings, our thoughts, our ideas lest we are ridiculed or belittled or is it some other inner inhibition to keep others out of our private domains? I have so much to write about and yet there is something holding me back. I try and then go back, its like being lost in a dark tunnel with hundreds of doors, you keep opening then one after the other to find a way out, but every other door leads to another such tunnel full of more doors. I don't know about you but I frequently get into these modes of introspection and silence where communication becomes an effort and silence is the way to be.
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