The IMBROGLIO of 2012

We have, I believe, the honour of being the only nation state of having a constitution which clearly defines who can or cannot hold the august position of the President and the Prime Minister of the country, and yet can boast of having a) a self-confessed and court sentenced insane person as its President, and b) now a convicted felon of being the Prime Minister.

There is an imbroglio of the highest order in the country, a confusion of sorts, and a media frenzy on whether Mr. Yousuf Raza Gilani convicted on contempt of court, today, having served a sentence of 30 seconds can still hold the office of the Prime Minister? My question is simple - why even ask it in the first place? If a convicted felon cannot be a meagre civil servant, cannot hold any public office, cannot contest elections and by the deeming provision of the constitution 63 1 (g) how can he be allowed to claim his authority which is not his any more?

There is no debate on the fact whether we are a civilized society or not - the facts are there for any one to see. Any self respecting person once convicted would have come out of the court room with his head hanging in shame, his honour mired in mud, his soul torn, his emotions distraught and his breath uneven - and tendered his resignation at the first instance. Instead, what we witness blaring on our TV screens is this - a triumphant man, a gallant knight, who assumes he has won an award is almost carried on a tide of hangers on and sycophants their voices hoarse, their faces warped with giving malodorous statements, their chests expanding with every breath as though they have championed a just cause.

I ask what are we? If not savages and petty criminals who can twist anything to suit our own purposes and gains. The opposition, except for Imran Khan, is quiet for what can a man of Nawaz's calibre who has history of physically defacing the premises of the Supreme Court actually say in this matter? The spokes persons of the King's party are adamant, their man is still eligible for office and therefore will not resign, the President, yes the self-same insane man, is behind the PM and all is pronounced well in this sordid state of Pakistan!
