A sublimation, a transcendence, a transmutation, a transformation! is what I wish for tonight. The lonesome silver moon shines in the dark night, and I behold its sheen, its completeness, it's sheer loneliness in the vast dome of the ink blue sky. The sea is calm tonight.... the air light and fragrant, and I stand here looking out in the vast open trying to assimilate the fragments of my life.

I wish for alchemy. A necromancer's spell, a magic potion, a miracle. I am alone and will remain so till the folds of eternity unfold and untangle and what is now, becomes tomorrow, and what will be tomorrow transfers into the future. Future? why are we all so besotted with this most elusive of dreams, what is it in the promise of what will be, nay, what might be someday that captivates us so, what is it that it holds secure for us except the only one thing essential to life - hope.

Fate and destiny, kismet, what's to be.... who knows what is to happen in the times to come, who knows if the time to come will actually arrive in this reality, in this space that I occupy now, today. All is maya, an illusion, a illusive reality.

It is said that a man must be forgiven all sins, all misdemeanours if they are done in pursuit of true happiness; if we transgress the laws of God and of Man in flight for our passions. Is that true? can one absolve oneself of all guilt then?

I stand beyond and beside Time. I live in a place outside real space. I may have been manifest for some time recently... but once again I will lose myself in the labyrinth of a time and space that is beyond this material world. Is that good? I don't know. It is the only way I know how to BE.
