Just when I thought I had solved all of life's mysteries and hidden secrets, (yes I am rather a simpleton!) just when I was comfortable with the somewhat nebulous and half-baked answers to the mystifying enigmas of the universe, just when I thought myself safely ensconced in some haven of happy make-believe and affectation - just then, neither a minute too soon nor a second later - I am sprung with the surprise of all surprises! I find out, much to my chagrin and displeasure, that I have just been lurking in the dark, and I have only now entered the actual LABYRINTH and I not only have to traverse my way out, before that, I must slay the CENTAUR or get perished myself.
Am I talking in circles? that very well could be, after all I am caught up in the labyrinth. After any crises in life comes an equilibrium, a period of stasis, where things stay as they are, rather calm and not turbulent. I love those periods in my life, when the vestiges of the thunder, the destruction and devastation of the angry storms have been erased or picked up and piled away, when the fresh breeze of the new morning, a new spring softly blows, and for that moment life seems just fine. I like that balance, that peaceful interlude, that period of relative serenity.... but what is life if not an enigma! for right then, life takes a 180 degree turn and a somersault as well, and places you right in front of a wall, a fork, a dead-end! And you are left wondering at the endless faces of life and its mysteries.
Now, at this very point, the pundits would shake their heads and say, how can we expect life to be simple and event-less, life is happening of things, life is events itself. I know that dictum rather well, and I am not talking of a life that is in coma - completely event-less (though this is also questionable) I am talking of life as we know it with all its ups and downs.
What new mysteries and riddles is life holding out in for me to think through? What new missions and purposes is it giving onto me? Does that happen to all of us? Or is this just unique to me? Is life itself an enigma? an answerable question? a convoluted conundrum? Or is it just as its supposed to be, that at every turn, there is a challenge, a situation which forces you to think and apply yourself to, to learn from and to perhaps grow through?
I haven't a clue!
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