Courting danger. Living on the edge. Doing what one thought impossible to do. Daring to dream again. I must be raving mad, and not know of it like most mad people who think themselves normal, nay, wise perchance!

They say insanity is 'doing the same thing over and again, and expecting a different result each time.' If I know some truths to be false, if I know some things to be virtually non-existent, if I know dreams do not come true, if I know that I might be setting myself again for disaster... then why do I not turn back? why is it that knowing all the above I continue to go on a treacherous path? leaving beside my cushy seat. What is it about us which propels us to take up challenges, what is it that prompts us to go where angels fear to tread? what is it in us as humans that despite many setbacks and disappointments we still dare to hope?

They say experience is a great teacher. They are wrong. For, most of us, I believe, all it does is makes us a bit cynical and circumspect. As far as it making us behave a certain way, that experience fails to do, to expect that it will bar us, nay, insure us against future mishaps and wrong turns - that is too much to ask of it. I feel experience is good when counselling others or assessing one's past actions, but it doesn't help us with our own future ones.

After any harrowing ordeal, if one chooses the same path what would that person be? absolutely insane - am I Insane?
