why...WOMEN should be WARY of MEN

My take on this is that it is a given. I mean the rationality and undeniability of the fact that women (includes all) should at all times be wary of men, for men (includes all) are duplicitous, hypocritical, compulsive liars and leave no stone unturned, no path undertaken, no conversation forsaken to deceive women. Now this admonishment, this very implicitly biased assertion may sound prejudicial to some, but, if you are a woman and have been stung by a tedious and poisonous man you'd recognize the strains of absolute truth in what I am stating here.

So, all women of this world (and beyond) stay very alert and wary of the male species, for there is nothing forgiving, nothing loving, nothing bordering good as we understand it in it. Men are selfish to the point of no return, it is them against the whole world and guess who comes first? Mothers would give their lives for their children while fathers think they have done the ultimate by putting food on the table and clothes on the backs of those they have begotten. They may love their children, I'm sure they do, but its never the insane and self-sacrificing love of a mother. For a mother her child is an extension of herself, it is her, for a father a child is a separate entity that belongs to him, that is like a trophy or an accomplishment.

Men work with dissimilitude, nothing is at is seems with them, there is always a hidden agenda, a motive that is self serving and plain egoistic. Women are blamed for being conniving and manipulative and of course that ubiquitous of all things 'bitchy.' While men are supposed to be rational, sane and sensible, ruled less by passion and more by reason. Women are said to ruled by the moon and its gravitational pulls, while men are more steadfast and constant as opposed to the perpetual waning and rising of moods in women.

I believe all men to be egoistic to the point of being ruthless, everything must circulate around their persona, just as the planets revolve round the sun in eternal gesture of worship and adulation. This is the kind of adoration and commitment and unquestionable loyalty men demand and expect and more than usually get from their women!

We women are fools. Even though millinia has passed and the deceptive nature of a man has been established as a fact, and yet we fall for the trap again and again. Why is it so? that even if for a brief time, before we quickly realize our mistake and withdraw, there remains that oblivious period of complete madness where we begin to trust a man!!!! albeit for a short time! but even so!
