Tears, anguish, pain, longing, regret, guilt, sheer hopelessness, a weight on the chest, anger, resentment.....
At one point we come face to face with naked raw hurt. There is no escaping, there is no hiding, there is no respite. Such is the law, such is life... whoever we may be, at some point in our days we feel the pure distress of heart rending pain and that makes us unique. It is our individual losses, our failures, our disappointments, our own hurts that eventually shape us into who we are and will become. It is the total eclipse of the heart, the shadow of darkness that falls over our hearts, our being that makes us unique and different. I am not espousing and advocating the 'strength' and 'courage' we may or may not display in facing the difficulties of our lives, I am merely stating the 'process' of undergoing pain by handfuls is what makes us - us.
Some people have more resilience than others to encounter depression and hurt, they may have more resolve and strength of character to be staunch and stern in the aftermath of storms, while others may wither and get overtaken by pain and distress in their lives - reaction to pain is different for every person - and it does not carry a moral tag of good and bad - it just is. Being strong in the face of pain and falling and succumbing to pain are both human responses, one cannot be termed better than the other. Though, in our world of absolutes we tend to jump at labelling people and their actions and are quick to judge their reactions to them.
We eulogize people who brave their storms and stand tall in front of difficulties. We are in awe of people who despite being lashed by life still find it in their hearts and soul to go on, we love stories of courage and valor. We find the life of adversity and staunch opposition to it heroic and want to be courageous and heroic in our lives. I ask what is it to be courageous? what and how it is different to bare the brunt of vissicitudes of life head-on or try and keep them in abeyance.. My point is in both the cases we suffer and we have no choice but to face pain and look at hurt, betrayal, loss, and anguish in the eye. Whether we like it or not, we have to go through whatever path life chooses for us or we choose for ourselves, and all that comes with such choices. Yes, some of us may try and deny the existence of pain in our lives and play hide and seek with it, but, sooner or later, life catches up with us, and we have to devise our own unique ways of dealing with it.
In that respect, we are all strong, courageous and heroic....
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