People say "Aap ko mein second half me touch karoun ga" when planning a meeting in the late afternoon?
Men have no class?
If you say "excuse me" to get someone to move out of your way, they actually reply "excused."!!!!!
People actually believe they have the bloody right to discuss a book by only reading a review, or its jacket, or what others are saying about it. (Reading the said book isn't an option.)
Belching and Burping in public is a perfect "do."
Women address strange men as "bhai" especially when they have something illegal going on with them.
Women of questionable character always don the dupatta on the head!
Tossing garbage by the tons out of the car is so very acceptable.
People message, talk, chat whatever on their phones while driving, showering, shitting!!! There has to be a limit!
People say "mein is ko go thru kar kay aap ko batoun ga" on being given some document to read.
If you are in the political government of the day, you can simply cordon off whole sections of streets and thorough fares, and turn them into private drives.
We have horrifically boring and inane "morning shows" where hosts ask the dumbest questions and say the stupidest things and HELL! get away with it!
Political opponents can be "dengue virus" HUH?
You can have a family of 5/6 people all pile up on a motorcycle.
You have "Tonga political parties" where the total number of party members can easily fit in a Tonga!
You can buy any prohibited bore weapon with utmost ease, and keep it, wield it, show it and use it with aplomb!
Where money can buy almost anything. For everything else there's extortion!
You only see unfit/fat people in Gyms - where are the gym bodies???
Every middle aged woman was married at errrrrrr...17 or 18 at the most and therefore is now only 30 something when her kids are ready to get married! (you do the math!)
Every man is genuinely wronged/misunderstood/unappreciated/uncared for by his wife - hence the need for fairer arms to shed some tears and be consoled.
Spitting pan on every wall corner and defecating in public is a national sport.
People doing acts of "public good" become their own spokespersons! UFFFF!
Net going at the speed of a rickshaw! bloody frustrating
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