It is an undisputed fact. Men, the male of our species, have "congenital learning disorder," which in simple English means they cannot be taught much because they have this intrinsic inability to grasp and comprehend simple concepts. Now, if you, by any chance think I mean this rhetorically or metaphorically or god forbid, sarcastically, please be reassured completely. All that I pen down here is written with utmost earnestness, with absolute composure and decorum such a topic requires. After all, what and who am I? A mere woman? A weak member of the much side-lined second sex and nothing more. How could I dare cast any aspersions on the ability or proposed inabilities of such a great artefact of nature - MAN!
So, where do I get this blasphemous thought? this supposed fact of nature? How have I thus declared that Man is incapable of learning? I must concede defeat and surrender, my assertions are only the children of my own experiences, my own interactions with this elite force of nature.
For as far as I can remember, our leaders have been predominantly from the male population, and time again have flouted experience, common-sense, good and sound advice, and have hurtled the country from one catastrophe to another without any sense of guilt or shame. We have leaders who fall prey to the same mud-slinging and blame-games year after year, same old faces who 'fought' for democracy, and yet scream now for the army to take over. We have criminals committing the same crime for which they may have gone to jail. No one learns ever. We have self-exiled leaders saying nothing new, we have fire-brands accusing their opponents the same way. The game is old, the moves are boring.
Then, on a more personal level, Men display massive resistance to learning. They have to be told again and again that they are married to this one good woman and not the multitude they are drooling over. They are taught to be polite and loving to their wives, which is a message soon dissolved in the fugue of thought and conjecture.
Most significant is the case of the 'persistent' man who will pursue a woman (much to the chagrin of the woman in question) relentlessly, refusing to take 'no' for an answer, nay, thinking, that any 'negation' on the part of the woman is actually a tacit agreement. Such a Man, is a 'Man with a purpose' and to say the least is most tiresome. He is found mostly in our wonderful country where strange varieties of MEN live. Perhaps, it is a mutation in their genes that make them so 'needy' and somehow 'clingy,' or maybe it is the social/cultural symbiosis of giving the mother a certain privileged position in the family as a result of which such 'hung-up on moms' kind of breed thrives in our tropical heat. My personal guess is that Men are on a perpetual egotistical high in this country, it is as if the very damp and heated air is swooning them with pride and arrogance, with the result every half-witted retard considers himself a gift to the weaker sex, to be put up on a pedestal and cherished for all eternity.
Then take the case of the 'ever-drunk' he prefers the oblivion of every night subsumed with alcohol, his social interactions limited to people who drink and talk nonsense, and the sheer repetition of this every night day in and day out! the family may suffer, the health can go to the dogs but our Man refuses to learn how destructive his behavior is to himself.
Then there is also the sexual deviant who thinks himself the reincarnation of Adonis, the handsome Greek god of love, and the last time I checked, which is like two seconds back, Adonis-like beings just don't venture in our parts of the world, so what are these men thinking?
Yes, you can hit your head on the wall! for they are never learning anything...
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