Is it too much to ask for? Have we been duped all our lives? Is it all a very cruel joke? HUH????
All our lives, we women, are fed stories, myths, legends, yarns and tales of handsome men, who besides being tall, dark and stunningly handsome, are the epitome of courage, bravery, integrity, class, politeness, having a penchant for protecting and saving damsels (distressed or otherwise) they are mysterious like Zorro, lithe, athletic, well-read, patient and fall madly in-love with us! And, stay madly in-love with us not only for the rest of their lives, but all lives put together!
The rude shock of reality hits a girl/woman with the first romantic relationship she has; instead of a daring macho hunk, you are handed a clingy, attention-seeking, paranoid, insecure wimp, who is 'upset' with you more than half the time errr... because of some twisted logic - of loving you so much, that he loses his mind and is rude and jealous over you and with you!!! talk about nightmare on any street.
With marriage all illusions one may have about men and love and romance disappear as dew with the first ray of sun. Your husband, who is supposed to care for you, love and cherish you turns out a tattered soul in perpetual need of one thing or the other. Let alone him taking care of you (hahah) he is the one needing TLC (24/7) whether he deserves or not! and everything else that would make him feel good about himself - I mean, as a wife you realize with increasing dread that you have to flog this dead horse at all times - for he needs to cajoled and pampered, at all times, put up on a pedestal especially by his wife (you are counselled: something to do with male-ego, something that you must handle with care.)
When you have children this mucho macho (all a false façade) starts to feel neglected I mean this is one thing I have failed to comprehend completely. How can a grown up man be jealous of his own child? But it happens.
But! I protest! I don't want to be duped all my life! I believe, I know against all evidence and experience, in dreams... so even if reality is crude, there must be a realm where men who behave like gods exist!!!
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