Quote one line from a love poem and the red-brigade is after you! Can it be remotely possible, very slightly in realm of improbable possibilities that, I, yes a poor woman with a limited IQ and even a more limited sense of when to use it - happen to love poetry and quote it once in while! Or, as almost everything else in this most "free' country of ours that is a definite NO! Or is it that I must be drooling and whimpering in love with a specimen of a specie that stopped evolving errr..right about the Neanderthal stage?

Men and all things manly (which sadly can be counted on the fingers of my one hand with quite a few fingers left over!) have not yet graduated to be considered a member of the homo-sapiens, they are still lurking around at the ape level and therefore any idea of romantic love with them is not only preposterous but ludicrous - now, if you think that I may care for one or two of them as pets and animals with usual concern for such creatures then we are talking. But, the thing is they are "wild" and hence cannot be tamed to be a household pet so that is also out the window.

There comes a time in a woman's life when she understands thoroughly the superfluousness of men in her life (and I mean men as lovers, mates, boyfriends) They are simply not needed, in fact they are a nuisance for they have not matured beyond the anal stage and want to be cajoled, pampered, admired, looked up to, agreed with, supported in all their endeavours even if that involves constant flings with other women. Hence, a woman, with brains and the unusual attribute of being able to use them, chooses to stay clear. And all power to her for being to pull that off, especially in a very patriarchal society as ours, where a woman without a man is thought and pitied as a fish out of water - in the last throes of death.

Love and being in love are states totally foreign and alien to men. So why in the world would I fall in love with someone who hasn't a clue about what love is?
