secrets of the HEART...

dark, smoldering, mysterious, hidden - unknown vistas of the heart and soul. Who treads there? Who is privy to our inner most depths, our wants, our needs, our dreams, our fears and our lives - Who can ever come this close? For us to step outside of our own beings and shed the persona, nay, put that persona in the center and let the other know us completely? Do we have the courage to do this? Bare ourselves? I doubt it. Or I feel I lack the strength to do it, or perhaps lack the ability to do it.

Before the secrets are revealed to others, to another person, are we in complete confidence of them ourselves? have our inner thoughts revealed themselves to us? It is the first step.. to get to know our own deepest and darkest secrets. We roam around in the comfortable knowledge of knowing who we are? We may know what are names are, our sex, and our lineage to a certain degree, beyond that is the realm of the unknown, the unstable, the chimera of ever changing kaleidoscopic feelings and wants and fears that are hard, nay, impossible for us to get a grip on, let alone understand and articulate. Some things are always hidden, dodging us, forever deluding us, escaping us and running away from us for they do no want to be known.

Parts of us, the inner most delectable parts, the juiciest, the priciest, the most precious parts of our selves, of I, are ephemeral and escape our pinning them down. Perhaps, we all are gypsies at heart, forever hidden and elusive!
