I get so irritated by:
Waiting for people! uff, especially if I'm all dressed and ready to go, and I keep getting told that 'I'll just be with you' or 'I'm almost there', and this 'just' and 'almost' become longer than eternity. I have also waited, and waited, and waited for other people in my life as well, I guess to such an extent that maybe I've spent a good few years all together in waiting for say, my husband! Those endless nights, and never ending days, where he'd be out and with every phone-call would say I'll be there in 10 minutes, those infernal 10 minutes would never come to an end. This is and was my pet peeve, I cannot, would not, wait like this for anyone, simply because by saying that they'd be there soon, people put you on hold, you are anticipating, cannot relax or get into doing with whatever it is that you have to do, you're in a kind of suspense and it is revolting!
Musti not listening to me, only and only when I'm wanting him to study! why do children try their parents so? If I am capable of doing an evil act that is the time I feel I can do it! Here's the scene, I am explaining to him something, and suddenly as if on cue, I lose him!! he is there in front of me physically, but my robust, talkative child is replaced by this moron who has this glassy look on his face as though I am a witch casting a spell on him URRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHH. What happened? is my question? Am I talking about philosophy or calculus, or giving instructions on making a rocket!! hell O! please don't. No matter how many resolutions I have made before, I completely lose it at that point (takes say 5 Min's into the study hr to reach that point.) Is there an annoyed beyond all parent out there who empathizes with me? Is there anyone out there who shares my pain??
People asking, expecting, wanting long winded explanations to nosy questions like 'why didn't you answer the phone?' 'where are you?', 'what are you doing now?', and best of all 'what are you doing with your life?'!!! as though I must at all times be doing something with this something that is my life right in my hands!!! hell I'm living mine??? just like you! so back-off! I don't remember asking people such inane questions ever, so why am I blessed with friends who have alter-egos in the CID. Leave me alone and I'll just be fine!
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