To eulogize your own child is, besides being, tiresome and boring, self adulatory and vain to the highest degree. In praising our children we are actually blowing our own horn and congratulating ourselves rather publicly for doing a job well, which should be done well to say the least in the first place anyway!
Still, and despite the danger of sounding pompous and stuffy, I will sing laurels for my son. Mustafa is more than a child, he is a pleasure, a constant reminder of the reality that no matter how wrong things are and can get, they are and will be bearable and surmountable. No matter what hurdle stands in front of me, with him by my side it can be tackled and dealt with. All this flowery language is superfluous and yet it isn't. How does one explain the sheer sense of accomplishment and completeness your child provides you. How do I, who feels it so keenly, express the bond, the tie, the string, the cord, the thoughts that bind me to him. What and why God has chosen me to receive this love from so pure a being as him, do I deserve it? I don't know.
To me Mustafa is love. he is my definition of what happiness is, he is what life means to me, he is for me. How good and great and deserving he is of this adulation and praise is not for me to decide since I cannot possibly be impartial in talking of him. But, I know for a fact, that besides being our relationship of a parent and a child we share some other undefined bonds as well, some connection on a metaphysical plain if that is possible?
Still, and despite the danger of sounding pompous and stuffy, I will sing laurels for my son. Mustafa is more than a child, he is a pleasure, a constant reminder of the reality that no matter how wrong things are and can get, they are and will be bearable and surmountable. No matter what hurdle stands in front of me, with him by my side it can be tackled and dealt with. All this flowery language is superfluous and yet it isn't. How does one explain the sheer sense of accomplishment and completeness your child provides you. How do I, who feels it so keenly, express the bond, the tie, the string, the cord, the thoughts that bind me to him. What and why God has chosen me to receive this love from so pure a being as him, do I deserve it? I don't know.
To me Mustafa is love. he is my definition of what happiness is, he is what life means to me, he is for me. How good and great and deserving he is of this adulation and praise is not for me to decide since I cannot possibly be impartial in talking of him. But, I know for a fact, that besides being our relationship of a parent and a child we share some other undefined bonds as well, some connection on a metaphysical plain if that is possible?
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