
What is it? Time, is it a continuation of one moment into another, passing of day into night, is it years, centuries or millinems? Or, is time change, a euphemism for different stages of life, of earth, of universe. What is time? Before humans came to be on this earth was there any time? Is time a factor only when we are there as observers of it? Is there a possibility that, in a world devoid of humans, time may not exist.

These musings baffle me, and at the same time, my eyes are on the clock ticking away minutes, going it seems forward, for want of any other word. Einstein came up with the concept of space-time, stating that time and space are interrelated in fact in the universe they are the same thing. There are not three dimensions present in the physical world that of, height, length and depth, but a fourth one also which is time. What does all this mean to me and you living on this pinhead of a planet?

At times I want time to go in reverse, relive all the moments past gone. And, what happens to those events, those happenings, those actions once they no longer remain in existence, what happens when time passes. What is that notion of flowing time? and how have we without question adjusted to it. Why don't we wonder as to where are past days have gone? where has the past hour gone for that matter? And why as some people feel there only exists present, the now, the moment we are experiencing at the time, and nothing else!

I want to go back to the past, not because all that is gone is good and better in my rosy vision of far gone things, but to revisit experiences and events armed with the knowledge of what came after them. To shake and shuffle what all led to now, to see whether past has any meaning at all or life is random. Is there a connection between before and after? is there cause and effect? or is all chance? Is it worth spend time analysing how, what and why of life, or should we be complacent in face of all that comes our way.

I also peek into the future. The time in my minds eye where all is always good and better. Why is it that what is far and hazy holds the key to all my happiness, all my dreams. Why do I wait for that appointed and fixed time somewhere on the plain in the distant horizon of moments to come.

In my naivete I imagine time to be a line, a straight track going from a to b, from past to present and then on to future. I am inching along on this line living from beginning moving towards the end. Is that what life is? a beginning which eventually comes to an end or is it the only way I can make sense of days that come in succession one after the other. I and Time, is there a relationship? Am I nothing if not in time, and exist only because there is time! what relevance does time have, if any to my life? is it a prison? a box in which I'm to live my life? defined by parameters, borders, edges, limitations, hadds??? Are we all condemned to live our days within time and never beyond it. Is death an escape from the rut of time, from segments, from blocks of periods, from number of hours, days, years. If time is taken away will I feel different? absence of time, is that eternity? and if I have eternity at my disposal will the experiences of my life mean more or less?. Do I fret more because I feel that I am assigned a certain specified time period for my life, and more than half has gone by, so all I have is a short span in which to be all I want to be and do all I want to do. Is this the fear I live with? that I haven't really lived my life yet, and I really don't even know what living that life entails. And in the unlikely event of me having eternity at my disposal what is it that I will do which will be different or more than now. Is it just because in comparison to long time periods we humans see our time on this earth relatively short and feel cheated?

I think only death will and does overcome time and its limitations. If there is a hereafter, and we exist in that paradigm, then time has to be absent. It must be beyond time to be meaningful. Paradise, heaven, Eden all are idylls that defy time as they are above and beyond it. Time do not limit it and its rules and laws do not apply there. Bliss is a timeless existence, a life in whatever form that isn't forever divided, demarcated, slotted into pigeon holes, segmented into minutes, hours and so many other little frames.

I want to be beyond time!
