On Sloth and Sleep

Sleep is my drug. I'm high on sleeping, aaahhh sweet slumber, the muddled thoughts preceding it, the state of restfulness, where the signals shooting off in the brain slowly slow down......

Sloth, Idleness, laziness, not doing, not thinking, not slogging is my heaven of choice. I love the pace of all movements in slow motion. Actions delayed, actions spread out over a longer span of elusive time, stretching of hours into long days, and days into longer night, the suspension of now, the elongation of this moment.

Sloth and Sleep are my ultimate luxuries. The power to do nothing, to just be and remain aware, yet not be involved. You think while idling, yet they aren't vexing and troublesome thoughts, you may ponder and reflect, in fact you are able to do it better because all your judgments, prejudices, biases are in neutral. I am truly myself when I am in a lazy, fuzzy, deep and comforting state of pure slack, I firmly believe, now, that my real and actualized state is a horizontal position with a numb mind!!! I am a better person if I'm not just rested, but I'm surfeited on sleep, I'm loving, compassionate, giving, on excess of idleness. I am actually missing the 'work and drudgery gene'. Cells in my body work only in sleep mode. And for me to be alive, I must be either asleep or close to it!!!

It is my panacea. My refuge. My place to be.

And lest u feel that this disinclination, slackness, lethargy is a sign of depressed spirits on my part, or a symptom of some sinister physical ailment, feel rest assured that isn't the case. I, for one celebrate inertia, of just being and not doing simply because we have, in our quest to remain busy, have become just that, busy with nothing. Great works are a result not always of engaging in mindless repetitive tasks all day long, rather just taking a back seat and changing your paradigm and shifting your ways and refocusing your eyes.

Therefore be lazy and do nothing, and yes lie in, and double yes, sleep!!!!and then sleep some more.
