Are u a believer or a skeptic? Either way, the question of the legendary 'lost continent' of Atlantis poses a dilemma. Was there ever in actuality a 'real' Atlantis or is it mere speculation and spin? Were there heroic larger than life 'Atlanteans' who built this magnificent city in form of seven concentric circles, did these highly intelligent people posses the technology in some form or another that is being discovered in the modern world of today? Did they have the power of flight? And by that, I don't mean ability to fly individually rather possession of highly advanced flying machines! more to the tune of flying saucers. Legend holds it so.
Atlantis was ancient history in the time of Plato 4th century BC. He tells the story in his Dialogues and claims to have learned it from another. He talks of the feats of
the people of this city, as pinnacles of advancement in all arenas. Some legends claim that it was the inhabitants of this lost city that built the famous pyramids of Egypt. It was the Atlanteans with their gargantuan powers picked up and hauled the massive lime stones that make the pyramids, and it was they who brought the knowledge of geometry that made it possible. Some say that Atlanteans were actually aliens, inhabitants of another galaxy who came to earth to share their knowledge.
There are many stories all mixing fact and fiction. But Atlantis is a fascination. Many scholars have devoted their lives in searching for the lost Continent which is said to sink in the sea. Myriads of theories of the possible location of it, at times it is placed in the Atlantic ocean midway between Europe and America, some claim it is more towards the south pole.
Did Atlantis ever exist? Did these people have the most advanced knowledge? I wonder...
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