Of jinnahpur and other such things

There is talk, yet again, of dividing this already divided country.

Jinnahpur, the alleged proposed state, the supposed bastion of all Karachittes, the beacon of light, the end of all miseries is again in the headlines. Plans for the state which were discovered in 1992 from 90, the official residence of none other than, Altaf Bhai, are now said to be fake, or rather there was no such discovery as stated by our erstwhile minion of state. What are we to make of it? Were the plans story concocted by the government back then to malign the MQM,or, is it now, again a concocted story to elevate the MQM. Whatever it is the discovery or rather the blowing of the whistle on the alleged discovery might prove to be more damaging than the actual plan. How so? you may ask. Well in 1992 Pakistan was not stable, but it wasn't as unstable as it is today. The Al-Qaeda menace was a thing yet unknown, and the militancy that ravages our poor state today was restricted to the hooligans and dacoits in karachi and interior sindh. Now the scenario has undergone a major change, the world reality is 180 degrees different from what it was at that time. Pakistan is being battered on the outside by its neighbours and their internal strains, on the inside the divisions within its people becoming more pronounced with every passing day. It is 2007 , and we barr entry of free citizens of this country to travel to Karachi, it is 2007 again, and we have live gun battles on the street. It is 2008 and we kill pathans on the streets for being pathans and it is 2009 that we, yet again, talk about secession, division, break-ups, and partition. Hhaven't we all had our share of the misery that comes with breaking up of any thing? Aren't our blood thirsty natures at peace with its own self after the genocide we carried on in east pakistan. What more do we want? where is this xenophobia going to lead us. If by any twist of fate, Jinnahpur does come into existence would it be a guarantee towards future harmony and peace within the mohajir community? would not the making of yet another state be giving rise to credence to the convictions that we are more different from each other than we are alike. what then would stop people of defence to declare themselves a separate state with their own language, they certainly do have one a hybrid of English and urdu, and yes they can always claim that their culture and values and way of life is significantly very different and hence in all ways better than that of people living elsewhere in the city and the interior. How would we stop and at what cost? why is it that after years of being a country, one of the two only ideological states in the world (the other being Israel) do we feel so fragmented and lost. Why are the variations in us taking a demonic shape of their own and why the similarities never looked at.

We have lost touch. As individuals we seldom ponder who we are and what makes us the way we are. We as a society is so bent and focused in trying to prove that we have nothing in common while the world on the other hand is shrinking and realizing how similar we are and the reason we live differently is more shaped by our environment than anything in our intrinsic nature. So, our we as Pakistanis taking two steps backwards with every one forward? and our we doomed to forever look and enlarge and be cry our minor differences and demand state upon state to live those differences? or are we finally mature and sober enough to understand that we are after all quite alike with very human wishes needs and desires.

And when will we finally understand and comprehend that there is no you and me, or they and us, we all are made from the same energy that is revolving since the big bang and under the microscope we all our nothing but atoms of few chemicals that are the stuff of stars. So if we are indeed star dust that makeup stars, can we not for once shine like one.
