whose fault is it?

please tell me whose fault is it? i mean the fact that iv gone mad, lost my marbles,become certifiably insane if u will, the weather is hot and oppressingly muggy, the 'bijli' is never there, sugar is not be found anywhere, someone is trying to make yet another failed state and our mathmatics is going to the dogs with the 'minus one formula'. It has to be someone's fault, i mean someone else and not me, god forbid. Because nothing can be my fault ever like the 160 million people of my country! We are innocent to the core, victims of circumstance, always played upon by the powers that be (love that phrase- what does it maen anyway) what with zillions of consipiracy theories doing the rounds. We lie and we cheat, we abuse each other on the road and think ourselves heros personified, we extol our lack of depth and a make a monkey of ourselves to relive the memories of our not so ancient ancestors and we doubt the graet man Darwin, we hoard and call it good business sense, we make nukes and celebrate in the streets though 90% of us dont even understand what they can do, we drive in big bloated cars with our ever bloated egos on our medieval roads and think ourselves the true and chosen people of God. We live in huge houses (some of us) and think the housing problem is a thing of the past. We drive by poverty, apathy, homlessness, loneliness, hunger, despondcy every day and insulate ourselves by giving a few rupees to the beggar, hey, we are charitable people, oh yes we are. Beause you see its not our fault or at least on an individual level its not my fault. and if it isnt mine, or yours or ours then it has to some one from outside because remember we'r all innocent as lambs as children from heaven, as adam and eve before the fall.

so whos after us, whose bent on destroying us? whose cursed us that we are living in hell day in and day out? it has to be the indians because after all they have only been created by god for this very puropse, they live to make us suffer, theyexist so we can kill our own people, they have nothing bbettre to do than make plans and carry them out to wage wars on this pure land of ours, they sneak into our homes to corroupt our clean souls and mind with lewd thoughts and culture. It is their fault and now its official.


  1. diary of mad woman pretty good why dont u write abook

  2. thank u my friend im being getting told that a lot these days but i dont think i have a book in me


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