DON'T, Just DON'T.....

stereotype, though I do it all the time

hate MEN

panic....but in times of emergency!

take on more than you can handle at one time

get irritated by things that really shouldn't matter

let others pull you down: Hardest of all the things I have found this to be; for however much we shrug off the opinions of other people, it matters to us so very much. We seek approval, validation, acknowledgement, recognition at every step of the way.

be like the JONES'S: trying to win the rat race. Wanting to be one up on the neighbors, better car, prettier wife, bigger house, smarter kids. Even if you end up winning you're still a rat, and an unhappy one at that. Instead, concentrate on what makes you happy and pursue that with a firm heart and mind.

be an ASSHOLE: a jerk, a bully, a meany. We are all too familiar with the self-smug, self-assured person who think him/her above others and has an haughty air about him/her. such people are obnoxious to the hilt, for people who are truly superior in wisdom and character are never arrogant in person.

be BORING: please be quiet, be silent, be unseen and unheard, but pray don't be boring. Don't spin out long winded speeches on matters you haven't a clue about to audiences who aren't much interested. Spare them the pain. If you have something interesting to say then do say it otherwise shut up.

do it....
