We are all, at some deeper conscious level, aware of certain truths, certain things we intrinsically know to be there, existent,pervading,prevalent,imbibing,all encompassing, all invading - these truths, for lack of a better word, are perhaps our beliefs that we have come to acquire through different means. Our nurture, our culture, our religion, our own unique way of perceiving what's around us and ourselves. Does it define us? does it give us that edge of who we are? cuts us into peculiar shapes? I don't know, but through the days of my life, some things I have stumbled upon again and again - this does not necessarily mean that I have found the path to per say wisdom or truth, hell no, it only means, I have fallen, and tripped, and slipped, and slid and tried to somehow get up again and in this process of falling from err grace I have come to know this much to be true.....
If you hurt someone, you will get hurt. Same proportion, manner may be different.
You will pay a price for carrying an ego, usually a strained back and a bruised self image
Bad things happen to good people - no explanations
I think I think too much
At times we don't give a flying shit (and that is a fact, however much we may deny it)
If Life is a game, we certainly haven't mastered the rules yet
Men are without fail, every time, disloyal and unfaithful
Solitude gives you power - to think, to heal, to self-talk, to understand, to question, to pray, and best of all to read
Books are a treasure
A lot of times people hurt you without even knowing they are doing so (how disconnected are they from themselves and others?)
If you love someone from the depths of your heart, you can never stop, no matter what (too bad)
I live in my fantasy world and thank the Lord for that
There are dreams we know are impossible, there are places we know we can never reach, there are people we know we can never be with, there are feelings we know will escape us... and yet we hope, we wait, we expect, we weave yarns, tempt fate,test destiny,mock life and reality and go on... and then also wonder why?
We deliberately set out on paths to hurt ourselves, we make choices, knowing instinctively they are going to destroy us, yet we don't stop ourselves. How strange? we don't always choose the best for ourselves
We love to hate ourselves
We love to over-love ourselves
You can't find another LUBNA (ever!)
The worst ever feeling in this world is REGRET
Abrasive people scratch, peel, roughen, file you unto death
It is binding on us to ask God to grant mercy from shallow women and their vapid, inane, malignant, malicious, vicious talk
Time doesn't just flow forward as it seems to us, it zigzags between what was, what will be and what is
Death is only a doorway to another life in another dimension
And, my father is waiting for me by that death's doorway
At times one is pleasantly surprised by people, by places, by the affection one gets form quarters unexpected and suddenly life takes a somersault
There exists a story for each person; carrying hidden meaning and messages in it for him, its a matter of finding that story
Places make a huge impact on our emotions, our feelings, our instinctual awareness, our ability to perceive. I know of locations that drain your energy, eat you up from the inside, suffocate you, and fixate you in time and space
Time and space are the manifestations of the same reality, of course, according to Einstein
Time goes slower when pain and unhappiness prevails
Character is all
The love you have for your children surpasses all boundaries
You cannot, never ever, hurt those who are close and dear to you under any circumstances, without any fault of theirs
Selfishness is self-limiting
Sleep is the best therapy.... for almost all ailments
You ought to look good - even if u don't feel good
There are days of elation and times of desperation
In every woman there is her mother
Respect is LOVE
You can't hurry, chase, pressure, force, manipulate, trick love
Hate is essential or we'd all be uber boring
To find a man who loves and treats her like her father is every woman's dream
If anyone is mean, rude, slightly condescending, vengeful, abrupt, negligent, in-affectionate, not loving, unkind to my son - I would have no qualms about killing that person in plain cold blood at the first instance
Men ought and must stay away from me
I suppose this is enough for one blog.....
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