The TOPOGRAPHY of a Woman's Mind...

This is merely an attempt. I mean, its more of a preposterous undertaking to understand what it is that makes a woman's mind, what are the troughs and the surges that complete the vistas therein and what it is that a woman most wants to talk about and listen to...Hmmmm, a very bold attempt on my part, I dare say, but then why the hell not...the most treacherous of outcomes would be - my being completely wrong and off the mark - and trust me I've committed bigger sins than that for sure.

A MARRIED WOMAN, wants her doubts, her convictions, her image of herself confirmed in the world around her. She loves to talk about her husband, for that is one topic she is an expert at. She loves to either laud him and all his actions, or, deride him for making her miserable. But, this is a place she is most convinced and sure of herself, for in life if she has attained one thing it is certainly a masterly command on the character of the man that's her husband.

Most MARRIED WOMEN, don't like their husbands, that they claim to know so well. Actually, the fact of 'knowing' the other person too well and 'loving' them are mutually exclusive situations and are self-contradictory. When a woman has seen a man, has bedded him, has been through his weak moments with him, has nursed his ego for him - all love, all the fascination, the mystery that love so essentially requires evaporates, goes out - like the air flowing out a balloon - and all illusions are laid bare - the man is denuded, he is presented in front of her stripped of all the trappings that makes him him. He is denuded in a way that all the loveliness of his body and soul cease to be lovely, and what remains is mass of undesirability.

UNMARRIED WOMEN - AHHAA - What and how to approach them. The ones who have been around, have had relationships with men, have led a full life either become scavengers and complete cynics or idiots, wide eyed idiots stuck somewhere between adolescence and adulthood. The cynics are depleted, their energy drained and they lay exhausted. Exhausted with living, with living through a life which is monotonous and has no hope of fulfilment of desires and wishes. An older unmarried woman knows that her chances of finding true love, that elusive of all things are minimal, or next to impossible. Her mind is flat and plain and desert like - parched and barren.

A woman can come into her own when there are no delineating and debilitating forces that erode the surface of her thoughts and mark her character. I am not saying women need vacuum to grow but they certainly need space and place to spread their wings, exercise their options and think for themselves. With the burden of conventions and stereotypes, forcing women to be a particular way their minds and souls go warped and they become monstrosities they are so not.
