memogate - no more

Why are we so predictable as a nation? It was so very clear from the beginning of this much touted fiasco, that it would eventually amount to nothing. Why is it that every episode of national importance and unimportance takes a larger than life role and then fizzles to nought? Take the incident of Osama bin laden's death, the attack on PNS base, Raymond Davis, and now memogate. It seemed the to grasp the attention of the whole nation and for a while it seemed like the clash of the titans was about to take place. But, today's headline really put cold water on the whole issue - the main accused - of high treason, of sedition, of undermining the sovereignty of Pakistan - Mr. Hussain Haqqani is now being treated no less than royalty by the august court. He is allowed to travel to the UAE, hello? Would this concession be given to some other poor and petty criminal who has let's say robbed. The answer is no, and we are very well aware of the lopsided laws and injustice system that we have in place in this sordid country.

Now, the very existence of Pakistan, the immunity/non-immunity of its President, the contempt of court case against the Prime Minister all is rubbished into the to-do list, to-do in Pakistan meaning never brought back on the table. The commission probing the affair has been granted two months to submit its findings (yawn) and in this country of demented people that my dear is close to eternity and beyond.

What is our collective mental state? As a nation, as a people why do have such a short attention span, why do we keep flitting from one thing to another and never resolve anything - Liaqat Ali Khan's murder case, Benazir's death, Zia's plane crash, what happened in East Pakistan, so on and so forth - we thrive on gossip and rumours, we love the smell of impending disaster in the air, we love to hash out our half baked theories of what happened, is happeing and will happen for we are by the very grace of Allah all clairvoyant in Pakistan!

P.S Mr. Haqqani please explain the really shoddy toupee at least, or do we need to contact Mansur Ijaz for that as well?
