Of DODOS & All Things STUPID!

We are a nation of dumb people - dodos actually - the very same species that became extinct a million some years ago - I wonder why????? HMMMMMMMM

The conspiracy theories are out there in your face in the wake of Memogate (what's with the gate business? sounds more like a memowindow gone wrong to me!) Everywhere I turn, some great Pakistani thinker, and there are millions of them around, yes, will thrust one theory down my throat. Some of the popular ones running up the charts are;

*Zardari is never coming back! He is shit scared of the CJ and the Army brass so he is gone, kaput, and history.

* Zardari is watching and waiting like an injured and a snubbed lion and will make his desicion one's the judgement on the memogate comes out on the 15th of this month.

* Great changes are in the air.... many important decisions will be made on the d day.

* Bilawal is all lined to take control of the party here in case the decision goes against the President's favor, errrr, I'm sorry but how old is Bilawal exactly?

* Nothing is happening, Zardari is gone for a medical check up (official version.)

* Zardari has cut a deal with the army, army never forgives the loss of its jawans and officers, hence the revenge hypothesis.

Since, by a twist of fate, I am a member of this wonderfully gifted nation, I too have my two bit half-baked theory..... I think, Zardari and the party has finally accepted the dire unpopularity of their leader and have taken him off the scene for now to make Bilawal the face of PPP for the 2013 elections, with our really horrendous memories, and collective awareness and consciousness as a nation, it would take us exactly an hour and a half to forget what Mr. AZ did or did not do and we will pour our hearts and stamp our votes on the arrow, for the son of the slain woman will be in our eyes, the picture of the father faded and receded in dark labyrinths of our minds or non-minds.

We are quite screwed up as a nation, as a people and our view of our own history is very skewed if not outright delusional, here is why;

* We are ready to condemn and try Altaf Hussain for high treason for allegedly suggesting a separate homeland for the mohajirs of Pakistan. But, very conveniently we accept the PPP as the democratic harbinger of this country, hmmmmmmmmmmmmm, we have duly erased from our dull memories the very fact that Mr.Zulfiqar Bhutto (may he rest in peace) actually succeeded in dividing up the country, quelling a rightful movement for autonomy by army and government aggression and torture and is remembered to this day as the only most popular and democratic leader of the country! HUH??? am I missing something or are we all delusional.

* We have an alleged murderer of a popular leader and a certified phsycopath as the august leader of our country and we all seem to quite ok with it, na, we call it democracy?

* We think we are democratic. The joke of the millennium and two.... how exactly are votes taken by a candidate is quite the common knowledge, and then knowing that, when people say "hai, aap nai vote nahi diya? kitne buri baath hai, phir aap to leaders ki burai nahi karni chahiye. Ya, right, Einstein, as if my one vote will be duly counted and make a difference in this paradisial land of ours..... Please wake up and smell the chai!

My contention is, and I seem to have one quite often, we are dumb and stupid people, we are the new version of the extent dodo, perhaps our intentions aren't bad, but we haven't a clue of our past, and pray! what do they say about people who forget their past.....that they are doomed to repeat it.......
