It's deafening, it's shrewd, it bites, it barks and nips at the edge of your soul - this clamorous sound of SILENCE!
Have you ever really thought about it? I mean really? How sound takes on an eerie tone when its absent? the sound of no-sound? the hounding echoing emptiness of sound which in and of itself is frighteningly loud and shakes the very base of our beings?
When someone leaves from your life there is an empty space, it's there at all times. Our reflex reaction is to fill that space, to furnish it immediately with some new item, some new person, some new activity. Some people believe that once we lose a person that space left is occupied by GOD, he walks with us, filling the vacuum with his omnipresence. I feel that space stays empty for all times to come. And its in the preservation of that space, that vacant distance, that hole, that void, that we hold that person for all times to come. If we fill it - its the final goodbye, its forever turning our backs to that person, its the final loss.
So, in the thunderous sounds of silence where one feels alone, and empty, just remember the non-presence of that person who is absent!
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