At the end of it all, when all that is to be said about it has been said, and every possible action about it has been taken; there comes a time, or rather one reaches a place where the most treacherous of acts, the most livid and hateful of remarks and slings, the most hurtful of deceptions and dissimilitudes, seem just a part of the vanished past. It is true that time heals every wound, every mark and every hurt. It may sound like a cliché and I for one was most wary and suspicious of it, yet, like all things in life, I have lived and learned.
It's not that time makes hurt vanish, no, the hurts are there, but the time in between events, the passing of mundane days, of monotonous routines, the business of living, the very tasks that we all perform every day endlessly of eating, talking, sleeping, all of this puts a distance between NOW and the Tragic event. Instead of it having the power to shock and stun us, it somehow recedes in the horizon, physically and spatially - there is a distance created between it happening at present time or something that happened sometime back.
I feel here the concept of space-time comes into play, the laws of the Universe apply on us with the same strength and potency just as they do on inanimate objects at all times and at every single point of the Universe, universally. If the idea of time in space is intertwined with space, and we can only perceive of distances as space-time, then the passing of time in this world is also the same phenomena. The more time passes, the more space is created between what 'was' and what 'is.' And it is this wonderful spatial-distance that covers the nastiest of wounds both of flesh and the spirit.
Time, you are my saviour! you have taught me to bear my lot, you have somehow paled the pain of lacerations that lashed out on me from every angle.
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