On saying something NICE

I have always said this to people I have felt close to, asking them to share some thought, some idea, perhaps just a word or two that constitutes nice. Hmmm, now that I am asked to reciprocate and do the same - I am at a complete loss. For I haven't the faintest idea what would be nice to say to a particular person and hell! are there any set boundaries for saying things?

This mysterious 'nice' to me always meant endearing words, words that would let me know how important and precious I was to the other person, how between ourselves I mattered and to what verbal limits does the other person go to in order to convince me of my place in his heart. We all have our codes, or at least I do, our unique ways of communicating with another, at times we reveal ourselves, let others in close, and at other times shut all doors and bar entry.

Something 'nice' then becomes a way of letting the other person know how he/she matters to us, to our being, to our life in general. There are people who may be far off, or one may not know them in the ordinary sense of the word and yet, they may ring a bell close to one's heart, they may come dangerously close to one's soul.

For all the words that I may spin, for all the tall tales I may tell, I can't at times be made to say something 'nice.' Simply because - I am lost for words, no, that's not it, because I am so scared to open up closed sections of my being and search for feelings that would let the words flow.. or perhaps, for once and all those feelings in me are dead.... forever.
