Of course no one can prevent a suicide attack, poor police men posted at guard duty are the usual victims. How can the government counter these very deadly attacks? how do you stop a frenzied person who is bent on killing himself and several others as well, there is no recourse.
Today's bomb blast, a suicide attack, aimed to kill the SSP Crime Investigation Division have left a void, literally and figuratively. The bomber (unknown) rammed an SUV fully loaded with explosives into the house of the above mentioned officer, Miraculously his family survived, while six of his gunmen died on the spot, and as the area is peppered with schools, a young teacher and her 8 yr old also became sad victims of the attack.
This took place about two blocks from Mustafa's school, the school is in ruins almost, with all glasses broken, doors ripped out of their hinges, furniture in tatters and false-ceilings downed - but, above all the tragic loss of a teacher and her son is most poignant.
The blast was so strong that my house shook and swayed and I thought that all hell had broken lose outside our very threshold, the TV was turned on, and the facts were known. Mustafa had his test today of English literature, how ordinary and mundane
it sounds now! how irrelevant! but also how innocent and desirable. I wish everything was normal and he was now in school completing a very regular day, instead of sitting shocked and hurt by the whole destruction. The aftermath of such cruelty is cruel and stark, it is almost inhuman and crass. What is one to do with mutilated bodies and tons of wreckage - that is so much a symbol of this internally fissured state which is on the brink of some major disaster.
The officer Mr. Aslam Chaudry was unhurt and outside the house talking to the media, and gave fiery comments on "how the attackers would be pursued by him and how he would teach their progeny a lesson" he claimed he is not scared of "cowards who attack women and children and he would keep on fighting them" he also said "that the attackers were not Muslims they were HINDUS for no Muslim can do such heinous acts." We are told that Mr. Aslam is a seasoned and a brave officer and has fought against the Taliban for a long time and had received many death threats in his career. Kudos to him, but with all due respect, Mr. Aslam you sounded like a dog with his tail between his legs, therefore the outburst. Professional and responsible officers dealing with maddened terrorists do not blurp and react like this, I would think that such a tragedy calls for some discretion and dignity instead of a call for a fist fight between man and man!
It is quite clear that the government has failed in its war against terror. Either because it is incompetent and/or because the establishment (which runs the show is in cahoots with them) whatever the reason, and there are manifold, the government is badly defeated and wounded. It is time for serious reflection and pause and perhaps a reversal and rethink of diplomatic strategy - it isn't the time for muscle flexing and weapon wielding. Why are our government officers so weak and so stupid? why must they come down to the level of the suicide bomber? why do they start by open threats when, certainly when, they have been slapped hard on the face! it is tiresome to watch the tirade.
The stark reality is that Mr. Aslam you have failed totally, failed in countering the terrorists and have endangered innocent civilians, if the policy of government was successful this attack would not be possible, the very fact that despite police-alerts and police-checking at different posts of cars for suspicious activity, the said SUV could easily manoeuvre to the SSP's house and successfully detonate the bomb!
God please help us deliver from the hands of mad terrorists, and keep us safe from the purported madness of our government and its lackeys.
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