meditations..............(14) Respect and Consideration

I got thinking......... on how much, we, respect and consider the needs and feelings of other people as a nation? Are we by nature a 'helpful' people? Would we go out of our way to help others in need or distress? What would be the opinion of a traveler from foreign shores on these aspects about us as a society? I have heard legendary tales of the helpfulness of the Japanese people, they would make it an important part of their day to help another even if it is to explain the directions to a place. I have also very good experience of the British, they are cordial and helpful, and so are most Americans. I have heard (for I haven't been to France about the snootiness of the French) so where do we fall in the the spectrum from insanely rude and inconsiderate to being helpful and polite.

You guessed it! We fall somewhere close to the rude and impolite. We are 'inconsiderate' as a nation. And, before the patriots get out their bludgeons to hit me on the head, please, consider this - how many public places, say restaurants, shops and other buildings have access to the handicapped? And for that matter, how many houses that are built have any consideration for physically challenged?? Why? because we as a people, as a collective society do not take the time out to think about those who may have issues in getting access. Our minds go blank, we can only regard and think of those who are more or less like us, and do not bother to see and understand the problems that are faced by people who may have some difficulty. There is no regard for people who are on wheel-chairs, the implicit idea being they should just stay home! how callous and unthinking and senile is that? The mental acumen of a people, and how culturally advanced a country is seen by its regard and consideration shown to all citizens especially those who may have problems physically. There is no way for a blind person to move freely in our surroundings, why? I have seen blind people going about their day just like other people in other countries, either with the help of a cane, or a seeing dog, but, in this country, people with physical limitations have no help or respect.

As individuals we are not ready to come up and help at the spur of the moment. When there is a need to help say an elderly or a physically challenged person, we just hover in the background, hesitating to come forward and help, becoming spectators which is most unbecoming and out-right rude! I have seen men whimper in corners and look askance when there is someone around them that needs this kind of help!!!! hateful is that sight! and my head hangs in shame to be part of this sordid and sick set of people who are hung-up about coming forth and helping!!! and please don't talk to me about schooling and background and shit like that, for I am talking of all classes and at most times the educated (so-called) are the constipated ones!

Then we have no respect for a pregnant woman, and/or, women traveling or moving with small children. I have seen men stand and look about in planes, trains and roads, while women struggle with kids and their bags, huh? but help? no one does! Hardly anyone would give up his seat for an older or elderly person in waiting rooms or otherwise. I have seen it!

And of course, the classic case of dis-respect comes in case of women. Men do not respect strange women, their moms and sisters and wives apart, other women need not be respected and regarded! Why is that? in general I wonder, obviously there are exceptions and there are men and other people who help and show respect and concern in times of need, but the general populace is least bothered and would rush to insult and demean a woman, and especially a woman who is publically visible - so we have the continuous and quite tiresome Meera and Veena jokes! And God forbid if a woman is western in thought and dress she is to be shunned and labeled.

When will we learn to give due respect and consideration to humanity? With this speed? I guess never!
