there I go again................

complaining and moaning.

Not really, I'm doing quite well for the past few days considering its one of my major manic episodes, somehow most of my energy is being channeled into creative and useful activities, i have been cooking regularly and enjoying it despite the unbearable heat. Then, its the setting up of the house and getting things in order which is lovely because its coming up nice and we are both feeling less lost and more at home. And, lastly, I am working out and getting a real kick out of it, it relaxes me so much, its absolutely fantastic.

I have been seeing a lot of some of my friends and not so much of the other one! that sounds confusing but then names don't ever look good in a delirious diary. Mustafa was happy to see his dad tonight, I am glad for his sake, and apparently the pop-tart is back in the field! well, good for the both of them and both of us, lesser chances of the tide turning in this direction.

Hmmm, I have been getting a lot of proposals form men, hell not marriage proposals, just attention, why I wonder? does it say on my forehead that I am a stupid, hurt, and a vulnerable woman, and all of you men out there are invited cordially to come mess me up a little more! Huh? what is it? I fail to get it. And, then there is attention from total horrific losers who you may happen to know for one odd reason or another and have spoken few polite words, why do they, for the life of me I can't get it, want to be an active participant of your life! They are blind goofed up creatures who are totally insensitive to the fact that I do not want them within a hundred yards of me let alone being a part of my life.

Ladies and gentleman, lest I appear to be vain and smug, please hear me out. It isn't because I am a paragon of beauty and attraction that men are hovering around me like bees on a flower in spring, far from it, it is because they are rats and they can smell when a ship is bound for disaster and jump in the water ahead of everything. That is where the attraction lies, in exploitation, in trying to make a buck on someone eles's hard fortune and that is what I find totally revolting.

I hate it when friend is sad or upset, I want to make her feel all happy again but how does one do that?
