Have you ever felt it? the dread, the uneasiness, the sinking feeling, the absolute hopelessness that comes with the fear of an unknown, unnameable, inexplicable thing that is out there or maybe inside us! Have you felt an uncanny premonition that if not today something will in the near future spring up on you and scare you and the world as you know it, the reality of your 'situation' will be recast forever.
That is the fear that I with my all my being FEAR. I cannot say for sure that I am scared of this happening, or I am fearful of losing that. That would make it known, the fear would then become identifiable and thus not so dreadful, I would be able to classify it, rationalize it, analyze it and do all to it what we do with our uncomfortable thoughts to make them somehow acceptable. Here there is an element of the absolute foreign, the alien, a feeling which is not good and yet can't be placed amongst the so many of our other feelings that we have in the course of our life.
Is this depression? is this the famous melancholia? is this a pathological condition? do I need help? or am I normal?
Are there people who are absolved from feeling this fear of the unknown, are they merely juggling along the way without these introspective and self-reflective thoughts? What do they fear if anything at all? and why do I shy from so much in life!
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