I have been asked time and again about my alter ego - hmmm, the mad cow.
Why have I chosen her? A hard question to answer, but I'll try nonetheless to do an honest job. Cows are mild, they don't bother anyone, they just vegetate in a blissful state eating the grass at their own leisurely pace. They look unperturbed, not harassed, always in control of themselves and their feelings, never panting and spurting and huffing in anger like the bulls, they are in a sort of cow heaven if you will, or rather as I imagine my own heaven to be. They don't seem to be very attached to anything around them quite self reliant and composed, actually very much in possession of one self. They are also peaceful creatures not wanting to pick up a fight with anyone, content with what they have. I can't really picture an angry cow, though I'm sure there are some very angry ones for sure. The serenity they show in their languid eyes, the lowing at the sunset, the sheer placidity of the herd, being together and yet not trying to overpower any other cow, they are balanced creatures. They have no power issues, they are not angry with the world and all whats going on in it, they just are and I think, do not want to be anything or anywhere else!
That is what all I aspire to be, a simple contented peaceful cow in Elysian fields of yonder. I want to reach that essence of detachment with all the chaos around me, the madness of life as we lead, when we can make it simple and plain. I want to be where nothing bothers me (HMMMMMMM, impossible.)
I am not a cow, but a MAD COW, an unhappy, malcontent megalomaniac who harps on all things skewed, and wants to straighten the world! Wanting to circle the square at all times, by slicing the circle in infinite pies of increasingly smaller and smaller size!
awesome i really like you'r way of thinking .