seems like an oxymoron? nay, it is hardly that, the educated well to do and well traveled woman of Pakistan is into alcohol, and into it big time!
Alcohol does not make for graceful behavior in a man, and in a desi woman, it has a peculiar effect, it loosens the otherwise restrained stance and gives way to emergence of suppressed urges resulting in acts that border on ridiculous. Women are taught to be tight lipped and reserved, especially in public, the right feminine behavior is composed, elegant, withdrawn and wielding respect. Alcohol removes the guards, the chains, the defense mechanisms of these otherwise self-restrained women. And when the discussion is maturer women it is all the more pronounced and obvious.
Desi women make bad drunks, no, they make awful drunks, very few can hold their alcohol well and usually are spaced-out by the fourth drink, of course that fourth drink is the eighth drink by normal standards. They drink masculine drinks like vodka, whiskey, gin, rum - drinks that are higher in alcohol content and have a deeper impact on outward behavior. Wine and other liqueurs not being the drink of choice because they don't provide the required kick and that too not fast enough. They drink manly drinks and down them like a man! one after the other, eyeing the bottle rather chasing the bottle!!. It's one after the other lest someone else beats them to it. Soon the lipstick is gone, the kajal smears right down the cheeks, and preciously covered under eye circles become more prominent. The body relaxes, errrr, a little too much, limbs elongate and reach out to touch ere while forbidden hands and shoulders, distances between people is shortened, (does alcohol have an impact on vision? I'd certainly would like to know) tongues loosen and laughter becomes harsher, louder, wilder!
Alcohol on our local women diffuses another interesting effect, the minute the eyes blur and redden and the chemicals affect the brain cells, women start to assume a masculine posture by abusing! and abusing hard, obscene, crude Urdu epithets!!! now wonder of wonder is that other wise these paragons of our feminine mystic are ignorant of the mother tongue? their class forbids them to talk in the language of the poor people, it is only to be spoken wrong (intentionally, to the servants and the shop keepers!) What keys does this alcohol hold within it that unlocks the language barrier and our erstwhile dumb women (in Urdu) start lashing abuses that a connisouer of the Urdu language myself fail to understand the true meaning of!!!! Most of the abuses are to do with female part of the family and also the female anatomy, I'm told? hello? I don't get it, You know me being totally stupid and all, that these educated women drink so that they could act exactly like a demoralized street woman spewing ugly abuses???? so what they distance themselves against that is the lower classes and their cruder ways, these women aspire to and become while having a good time. This to me is beyond explanation!
Women here drink to become and behave like men! and not only men but obnoxious men whom they hate in a sober state! How convoluted and twisted is that!! A woman with alcohol in her is suddenly larger, wider, her shoulders expand ??, she acquires a walk that is confident till she starts to slip and slide, then its only funny. She is bold and loud, she will dance with abandon on inane numbers deriding women and love to ogle men. She then becomes a man-eater, hell, no kidding, and in case any of you pervert find it enticing, the visual is actually repulsive. A drunk is a drunk no matter what and is neither desirable nor sexy in any which way! but then again that is my opinion and we all know I have too many of them and they hardly ever graze the surface of truth.
A spectacle one is better off not witnessing is a desi woman drinking alcohol! lest I am accused of being partial and a sexist, Men drinking and that too our desi men drinking is altogether a nauseating sight! Pakistani men have sub-zero charm and minus personality, alcohol pushes them further into the pit of sewage where they actually belong!
there is desi woman in all corners of the world and alchohal loossenens every one of islam they say its haram well actually nasha is haram........when u drink the after effect or whatever u do while intoxicated is where the sin starts not while drinking