Richard Wagner-- man who considered himself the 'embodiment of the German spirit' 'was simply a genius. He was one of the many geniuses that dot the history of the German nation. The idea of 'German spirit'is the essential quest to perfection in thought, in action, in music and in art. It is a desire to move ahead, to do away with stumbling and crippling mental attitudes, it is insistent urge to be better, to grow, to be close to God, whoever or whatever that God may be. Neitzche talks of the German spirit and laments the loss of it in his times, he consistently critizies the absence of great spirits such as Geothe.
Do we have anything even remotely similar to 'the German spirit'? do we have a solid 'Pakistani spirit'? And please spare me the patriotic crap. Our country and all that slogan mongering its not the 'spirit' I'm talking of here. By spirit I mean the connection one has to one's history, a solid thread running from past into the present that binds everything together, I'm thinking common beliefs that have nothing to do with religion or culture or language, it surpasses all that, a link between souls, a bridge across divides. An urge to be together and be a part of each others history life and future, a desire to do better for oneself and others, it is consideration to be and let be, it is tolerance and acceptance not on the point of a dagger but because we value others.
I want us to have a 'Pakistani spirit'. I want to see heroes amongst us, the kind of people who strive for the best, who value whats intriniscally good. I want us to have people who think and who think large, whose minds are windows that show us the future, I want to have people who are a pleasure to listen to and follow. Why is our land so parched of intelligent thinking individuals, why do we not have people thinking beyond their myopic surroundings? We are stuck in a quagmire, we are like the proverbial 'frogs in a well' that are unable to see. We live in our provincial boxes, we are still struggling with ideas of identity, of who comes from where and language despite having a common language. With Faiz and Fraraz gone our literary world is as dismal and unproductive. We don't have people who have the nerve, the resolution, the strength to say how it is, our leaders if one calls then that are mere puppets, they cannot bring any visionary changes to us. They are empty handed, nothing to give to this country. And the common man isn't bothered, we as individuals aren't bothered about the state of affairs. Whether half the people in this country get food or not isn't my problem, if there are little children barefoot in the streets begging who cares? We are a disgusting lot and deserve where we are.
I want us to be able to come beyond me to us and we. A desire to learn and improve, to add, to question and think! I want us to have our own 'spirit' that fires us from inside, the passion to create, the want and urgency to be better and move ahead and it has nothing to do with possessions and all to do with thinking!!!!
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