I'm SO SICK OF......

People who pretend to care when they actually don't. (Why????)
Women who hate each other in real, but pretend to be friends!
Men who pull and tug at their pants all the time.
Women who address everyone as 'Jani' (excuse me!)
Women who keep praising themselves blatantly. UFF!
Irritatingly uncontrollable toddlers.
Obnoxious kids.
Pretending to like other people's children when you actually hate them.
Getting phone calls from people you do not want to talk.
Boring people.
Waiting for good things to come my way!
Being myself.
Having to do the right thing always!!!
Behaving in a moral and upright way.
Pretending to be calm when I all want to do is scream and rant!
Eating the same food.
Staying in this country.
Never being able to travel as and when I like to.
Not being able to buy what I please when I please.
Not having my own car and driver.
Not being able to say No to people.
Not having enough admirers of the opposite sex.
Not having a huge bank balance.
Not being able to write profound books.
Of not being able to have an intelligent conversation with anyone I know!!!!!
Of trying to be above all the shallow things in life.
Of wanting so much.
And not getting half of it.
Of all my stuff....
Of the past and the present.
Headaches and stomach cramps.
Depression and dull aches.
Of missing people.
Of not having a job yet!
Of my moods that fluctuate with the moon and some more.
Of stupid men and their stupider talk.
Being fat and eating so much.
Of never being able to make the right decision.
